Hay girls,
Here is my School Prom/Ball blog as promised, i have decided to break parts of it up into different blogs so its not all in your face.
This First Blog is on
How to plan for your Ball/Prom.
As you guys may or may not know i recently had my School ball last month (thats what we call them here in Australia) Normally in australia you either have a school ball In year 12 like my school did but some schools also have one in year 11.
I'am here to give you advice on how to plan, what to take in your clutch, How to do it on a budge and what to remember ( Not all of theses key points will be in this blog, they may be in other blogs too)
How to plan your prom, normally in australia you would have your ball in January, i left most of my planning for December which wasn't the best decision.
List of Things you choose to prepare and do for your prom/ball:
- Nails
- Hair
- Makeup - Trial- Fake Eyelashes
- Tan- Trial ( so you don't go orange)
- Shoes
- Accessories - clutch, earrings, necklace and bracelets
- Teeth Whitening
If your having a limo or some sort of transport make sure to book it as soon as you know the date and make sure you have reliable friends who a willing to pay on time, its also easier to select one person and pay them the money so they can give the limo company the money in all one hit. By booking your transport earlier this secures your a ride, as many balls can we either on the same night or they may have weddings booked considering its on a weekend.
My Ball Dress : Sherri Hill
Now its many girls dreams to have a beautiful gown to wear to there ball, just remember thats its only for one night and that you don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on a dress your properly never going to wear again. But if you can try get a dress that you no for sure you will wear again if thats the case.
Also with your dress you want to make sure that it fits your well especially around your bust area as you don't want to be dancing and do a nip slip.. Also make sure that it fits so your not having to pull it up every 5 minutes.
Normally people get there makeup done at somewhere like M.A.C or Napoleon Perdis, which can be rather expensive but normally you get products back depending on the price.
I also recommend that you make sure you time when to get your makeup done considering that your hair and makeup could be in to different spots
REMEMBER GET YOUR HAIR DONE BEFORE YOUR MAKEUP as some of your makeup will rub off when doing your hair other wise.
You want to make sure that your shoes are comfy for your feet, so you don't end up with blisters or anything like that but you also want to make sure they somewhat match your dress or accessories try to also buy shoes that you can wear again and are fairly good price no point spending hundreds if no ones going to see them.
Shoes I wore
Even though they don't match by colour at least they were wedge so they were comfy
Also it didn't really matter as no one would see them.
You don't need really expensive jewellery to make the a statement i just bought mine from a local jewellery shop ( Diva) so they were somewhat cheap the only sort of expensive things i bought was Necklace and Earrings.
Stay tuned to next time girls
Next blog :
Will me things to remember for your prom/Ball
Over and out