AND also colour blocking, cause I feel like I need to get some colour in to da closet gurrrrrl (Pretty much all my clothes are black:/)
Most of the Clothes below are from cotton on, which I'am very surprised cause normally I'am not really a fan of there styles, but this autumn/winter IAM SO THERE!
I F****ing LOVE collared shirts and blazers I am not going to lie, I think there the best style trend ever made! This style of T-shirt also comes in other colours which I'll be defiantly getting!

Like I said before I bloody love Blazers, I love how they can change any outfit, there like the perfect touch, and I can't wait to get my hands on theses bad boys, and they come in the prettiest colours ever!
Omg, I'am in love with theses jumpers spesh the hot pink one, I think they look very cute with the collared shirt underneath and even maybe putting a blazer over the top.
I love this blazer it is so beautiful mixing the more neutral colours together, just so perfect you could just match with a hand satchel bag thats hot pink or a hot pink lip.
Now I know some people are going to be like omg, why would you want one of theses jumpers?, but I think they just look so warm and that the pattern is just so cute.