Aloha chicka, Theses where the lucky products that made the cut this lovely fortnight.
P.s Sorry about lighting and how there a bit bad quality My camera was being silly
Left- First Row: Naked Palette, MAC Girl about town, MAC prolong Concealer
Left- Second Row: MAC Prolong Foundation, MAC Skinfinish Natural, Manicare Beauty Blender
MAC Matte Gel, Urban Decay All Nighter, PanOxyl Acnegel, Witch Hazel Toner |
Theres products are great and I recommend these to anyone!
I don't plan on doing any reviews on these product here, just because there on my review it list, but if your desperate for a review just give me a quick message or Comment on the Facebook page (can be found in contact part)
Thankyou my Lovely ladies and have a great weekend!
Over and out